Some words to explain (or excuse) the author behind this domain.
My name is Manuel González. I am originally from Galiza (/ɡaˈliθɐ/), in the north-west of Spain. I am a Software Engineer, and I like to work with backend technologies. 🌍
If you want to see some code I have written, you can visit my GitHub account or check my Exercism.io profile. 💻
On the interwebs, I go by magandrez
(my full name rehashed), spavi
or spav
If you want to contact me, please, do send me an email: manuel[at]manuel.is and if you care about privacy, my GPG fingerprint is 431D296B4ED4F7DC61D6EEEB0C72166F87541FE1. 📧

Me and my shadow
When I am not coding or walking with my dog Aarre, I can be seen taking photos on the streets of Helsinki (Finland), where I live. 📷
Welcome to my house! Enter freely. Go safely, and leave something of the happiness you bring.
Bram Stoker
EDIT Dec 8, 2019: Use built-in shortcut for <figure>
EDIT Aug 7, 2021: Remove Instagram references.
EDIT Dec 17, 2023: Updated GPG fingerprint.